Ojibwemowin Labels- Doing my part - Bizaanide'ewin

Ojibwemowin Labels- Doing my part

Ojibwemowin Labels- Doing my part

So a backstory for the Ojibwe language labels- I homeschool my 7 year old. We work to decolonize our curriculum- I try to focus on the important things rather than having my child memorize things, regurgitate them for a test, and then forget it all. We cook, we clean, we watch documentaries, we learn about plants, how the world works, what our culture is and what it means to be Anishinaabe. I looked around online for labels in Ojibwemowin to put up in my house to help us learn the language and use it more in our daily lives. While I did find little tidbits here and there, I was unable to find a comprehensive set of labels. Thus this project began! Find below a link to a Google Drive folder with labels designed by yours truly- a Bad River Ojibwe artist. I am choosing to share my work with others without charging a fee so that others can work to revitalize the language in their own homes (but of course, tips are appreciated. This project takes quite a bit of labor.) These images are formatted to 7x4”- I recommend having them printed as 5x7” and trim the edges for the most budget friendly option (Walgreens is where I plan on having mine printed!) I suggest having the images printed via a photo printing service so the labels will be a bit more heavy duty than copy paper, as not everyone has access to a laminator. Just my 2 cents 😉


I hope you’ll find these useful and appealing- I put lots of thought into the design!  

Please note these are for personal use ONLY. 

Tip jar: PayPal.me/bizaanideewin12


And of course, here’s the link to the Google Drive folder! And PLEASE keep checking back as it will be continually updated! 🖤 


Chi miigwech.
